Profile of Professors

Professor Dr. Hor Peng
is currently Rector of the National University of Management (NUM). He earned both Master and PhD degrees in Law (Constitutional Law) from Nagoya University in Japan. His teaching and research interests are Business Law and Public Policy

Associate Professor Dr. Ly Sok Heng
is currently a Vice Rector of National University of Management in charge of financial affairs and academic research. He earned both his Master of Economics from Shiga University (Japan) and his PhD in Economics from Kokungakuin University (Japan) in 1997 and 2000, respectively. His teaching and research interests are economics and finance.

Associate Professor SIM Sovicha
is currently a Vice Rector of National University of Management in charge of Internal Quality Assurance. She holds a Master’s Degree in Economics of Development (2001) from Australian National University (Australia). Her teaching and research interest are Economics and Finance.

Professor Dr. Phim Runsinarith
is an economist. He earned both his Bachelor of Economics in 2002 and Master of International Public Policy in 2004 from Osaka University and his PhD in International Development from Nagoya University in 2012. Dr. Phim has worked for CDRI, UNDP, UNDESA, the World Bank, and Kobe University. His teaching and research interests are research methods and economics.

Dr. Yves Perraudeau
is currently an academic advisor to Minister of Education Youth and Sport and an advisor to NUM. He obtained Master of Economics from University of Nantes in 1978 and PhD in Economics from University of Paris 1 Sorbonne in 1986. His teaching and research interest are Research Methods, Macroeconomics and Statistics.

Dr. Yu-jin Lee
is an honorary advisor to NUM. She currently serves as Co-Director of UNIWIN Cambodia Joint Education Program and also Associate Professor of School of Management and Economics at Handong Global University. She received her Ph.D. in Human Resource Development from University of Minnesota in the USA. Her teaching and research interest is Smart City.

Assistant Professor Dr. SIEM Monileak
Currently, He is a Dean of the Faculty of Digital Economy. He was a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting. He was a consultant to the National Accounting Council (now, Accounting and Auditing Regulator). He was an Acting Executive Director of the Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors (KICPAA).

Dr. Dai-Yon Cho
is an honorary advisor to NUM. He is an Emeritus Professor at School of Management and Economics of Handong Global University in South Korea. He obtained his B.A in Economics, from Seoul National University in South Korea in 1976 and his Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh in USA in 1996. His teaching and research interest is Digital Economy.

Mr. I-Soo Joe
is an honorary advisor to NUM. He is currently an Associate Professor at School of Management and Economics of Handong Global University. He was rewarded his B.A from Seoul National University in 1978 and MS in Risk Management and Insurance from Georgia State University in the USA in 1988. His teaching and research interests is FinTech.

Dr. Dyna Heng
is an honorable advisor to NUM. He is an economist based in Washington D.C, U.S. He has worked the global financial stability and Japan financial sector assessment for Ja pan. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University, Australia, and Master degree in Economics from Hitotsubashi University, Japan. His teaching and research interests are economics and finance.

Associate Professor Stephen Paterson
He has been involved in entrepreneurship education in Cambodia and the ASEAN region for more than 15 years. He is a Canadian citizen and received his Masters Degree from the University of Toronto, and his Bachelors Degree from Queens University in Canada. His teaching and research interests are critical thinking and entrepreneurship.

Professor Dr. Chay Phang
is the Dean of faculty of Information Technology at NUM. He received his DBA (2017) from NUM, His MBA (2001) from UMM Malaysia, His Msc. ICT (2005) from UUM Malaysia, and His Bsc. Computer Science (1997) from Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam. His teaching and research interests are Business Mathematics, Business Statistics, Management Information System, and Quantitative Analysis.

Mr. Chuck Chung
used to work as electronics engineer in Silicon Valley California. He then moved on to work at the Boeing Company for the next 25 years, where he handled a $2B annual procurement budget for C-17 Cargo Aircraft program. He received an MBA degree from University of Southern California. His teaching and research interests are supply chain management technology.

Dr. Chay Sengtha
Dr. Chay Sengtha is an advisor to NUM. He is also a managing director at E-KHMER Technology Co., Ltd. He obtained a Master of Management and Information Technology from Kyoto University in 2004 and a PhD in Applied Informatics from University of Hyogo in 2011. He is interested in teaching blockchain technology and business startups.

Dr. Kang Sovannara
was the Dean of the Graduate School at NUM. He received his DBA (2009) from NUM, his MBA (1996) from the Asian Institute of Technology and his BSc (1990) from the Economic Science Institute. His teaching and research interests are Management of Change, International Business, and Investment Management.

Associate Professor Dr. Sok Seang
is a dean of the International Colleague of the National University of Management. He holds a D.B.A. in Management (2009) from NUM, a Master’s in Management (2001) from University Utara Malaysia and a Business Professor Certificate from Born ASEAN Project, Japan. His teaching and research interests is Entrepreneurship.

Mr. Kim Veara
is Director of ASEAN Economic Research Institutes of the National University of Management, and a deputy secretary general at National Committee for ESCAP. He earned his master’s degree in International Development and completed his PhD course in the same field at Nagoya University (Japan) in 2015. His teaching and research interest are microeconomics, macroeconomics and the Cambodian economy.

Mr. Kleung Sinet
is an advisor to Cambodia Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority. He received a Master of Public Policy and Leadership from Yeungnam University in 2017, Republic of Korea and another Master in TESOL from Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2010. He is interested in teaching, critical thinking, management and leadership, and IT for smart business.

Dr. Cheav Kirirom
is currently a government official at the National Audit Authority. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the National University of Management in 2021. He was awarded a scholarship of the International Mobility Program to advance scientific research at Southern Denmark University in 2018, and also obtained the Asia Exchange Program for Youth Online Collaboration and the Future of Asia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2008.

Associate Professor Dr. Chhun Rady
is the Chief of IT department (Faculty of Information Technology) at NUM. He received his DBA (2012) from NUM, His MBA (2001) from UMM Malaysia, Bachelor degree in accounting (1997) from NUM. His Teaching courses include Research methods for business, Econometrics, Financial statement analysis, and Corporate finance.

Dr. Cheng Savuthis
currently an economist at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He earned both his Master and his PhD Degrees in Economics from Nagoya University (Japan) in 2009 and 2013, respectively. He has been teaching mathematics for business and economics, statistics, and data analysis.

Associate Professor Dr. Sau Lay
is the chair of law department of National University of Management (NUM). He received his DBA (2012) from NUM, his MBA (2001) from UMM Malaysia, and his Bachelor of Law from the Royal University of Economics (RULE), Cambodia. He also awarded Associate Professor in 2023.

Dr. Seng Kimty
is currently a freelance researcher. He earned his Bachelor of Economics from Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France) in 2005 and his PhD in Development Economics from Waseda University (Japan) in 2016. Dr. Seng is interested in teaching microeconomics, macroeconomics and growth theory.

Mr. Nou Keosothea
is a deputy secretary general to National Committeefor ESCAP. He earned two master degrees from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. He completed his PhD course in education with the University of Canberra in Australia. His interested in teaching qualitative research methods.

Dr. Ngoun Sethykunis
currently a technical advisor to General Department of Taxation. He holds a PhD degree in the field of Economic Development in 2012 and a master degree in the same field from Nagoya University in 2009. He's interested in teaching Macroeconomics, Statistics, Econometrics.

Dr. Mong Lamy
is a government official at the General Department of Taxation, Ministry of Economy and Finance. He received his M.A and PhD. in Economics from Kobe University, Japan and a diploma in Risk and Insurance from the Malaysian Insurance Institute. He is interested to provide lectures on microeconomics, public finance, risk and insurance, and taxation in digital era.

Ms. So Somarika
is currently a tax auditor at General Department of Taxation. She obtained her Master of Business Administration from City University of Seattle in 2017 and a certificate in finance from University of California, Los Angeles in 2019. She is interested in teaching corporate finance, banking, marketing and accounting.

Mr. Khun Sopheap
is a freelance researcher. He received both bachelor degree and master degree in Computer Engineering from Hiroshima City University (Japan) in 2004 and 2006, respectively. He teaches many courses including introduction to computer science, data structure and algorithms, and digital system.

Mr. Chhoeun Kongkeais
currently is a freelance researcher. He earned his Master of Public Administration from the University of Hawai’i in 2009 and completed his doctoral study in Policy and Governance at the Australian National University in 2019. He is interested in teaching critical thinking and creative writing and Cambodian economy.

Associate Professor Dr. NOP Kanharith (PhD)
is the Associate Professor of Law & Coordinator of Master of Business Law (MBL) program of School of Graduate Studies at the National University of Management. He is an attorney-at-law and has 10 year-experience in legal practices, including working for a commercial bank in Cambodia as head of legal department for more than 6 years.

Mr. Kong Chanpanith
Chief Sector of IT Department at National Bank of Cambodia. He received his master degree (2019) in ICT Convergence from Handong Global University, his master degree (2015) in Computer Science from Royal University of Phnom Penh, and his bachelor degree (2012) in Computer Science from Royal University of Phnom Penh.

Dr. Som Phay
is currently serving as Deputy Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Non-Bank Financial Service Authority (GSFSA), where he oversees the Policy Department and Fintech Center. In addition to his current position, he is also the deputy chairman of the Financial Stability Working Group for FSA (committee) and other committees, such as the deputy chairman of the disaster risk financing committee, and a member of the accounting and auditing curriculum.

Mr. Tay
is an adjunct professor, who teaches Smart City System and Management course, at the Faculty of Digital Economy, NUM. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the UK. Mr. Tay is the chairman of Smart Cities Network and Director (ASEAN) of Smart Cities Council. His current focus is to help develop smart and sustainable cities in Southeast Asia. Mr. Tay had experiences working for IBM, HP, Oracle, Commerce One, Savi Technology, Stratech Systems, Skoolbo and others.

Mr. Morita
has 20 years experiences as a freelance designer, facilitator, and consultant in organizational development, change and innovations. He has experience with cross-cultural collaborations in Ireland, the US, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia. He holds a bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management from the US. Mr. Morita is fluent in both English and Japanese. Currently, Mr. Morita teaches Design Thinking course at the Faculty of Digital Economy, NUM.

Mr. Dith Sochang
is a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology at the National University of Management (NUM). He had received Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from Bangalore University in 2018, India; and Master of Finance from NUM in 2013, Cambodia. He hold bachelor degree in computer science and bachelor degree in mathematics, respectively. His teaching covers many specific courses and areas, such as business statistics, system administration, and network and security.

Mr. Ngin Pidor
As a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology at NUM, has a rich academic background and professional experience. He obtained his master’s degree in business information technology from RMIT University Australia in 2016. He also graduated from the Royal University of Phnom Penh with master’s and bachelor’s degrees in 2008 and 2003. He is also a Deputy director of the Information Technology department, with 15 years of experience in the IT banking sector, IT project management, Blockchain and FinTech.

Mr. Sok Moniroith
has been working as an IT lecturer at NUM for over 10 years. He am also a Web Developer who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all the websites are working fine. Especially, Learning Management System (LMS) which it has just been developed during Covid-19 pandemic to manage student registration, payment and academic activities through online. Furthermore, He is head up of Google Classroom to make it accessible in every semester to all lecturers here to use it as the virtual classroom since the pandemic in 2020. He got high school diploma in 2001 and continue his Bachelor in IT major because He found that 21st century has come to be known as the era of Information Technology and it is the key driver of economic growth of not only in Cambodia, but rather the whole world.

Mr. Lach Ratha
previously worked as a semiconductor product engineer at Micron Memory Japan in Japan. Upon his return to Cambodia, he changed to the role of an electronic engineer at Minebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Gunma University, Japan, awarded in 2015, and a Master's degree in Computational Intelligence and Systems Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, earned in 2017. He has a keen interest in teaching Computational Mathematics, Introduction to Programming, and Data Science.

Mr. Srun Channareth
is a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology at NUM. He obtained his B.Tech degree in Electronics Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) in 2012 and his M.Eng degree in Electrical Engineering, specializing in computer, control and electronics, from Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia, in 2018. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Mechatronic and Information Technology (MIT) and leading the Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Laboratory at the Department of Electronic Engineering at NPIC. He has several publications in conference-journal index in Scopus. His research interests include AI, robotics and programming for embedded systems.